Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Exciting school days

I received a call from Jacob's school today stating that they have had too many students register, which would make 26 kids per class. They decided to hire a new teacher and create an additional class. Well, Jake was randomly selected to move to the new classroom. However, they have not hired the new teacher so he will have a substitute teacher for the first week or two of class. I was really bummed for him especially since we had received a letter in the mail last week stating that his teacher would be Mrs. Snowden.

I told Jacob about moving to this new class and that we would not know his teacher right away, but that it would be really cool since the teacher would be new to the school like him. He of course was fine with it and even more excited. When Michael came home from work he picked up the mail and showed me a post card from his ex-teacher Mrs. Snowden. How ironic to receive that on the same day. I excitedly gave him the post card and just told him it was from the school and read him the card. I could tell that Josh was feeling really left out as he was crying because he wanted to hold the postcard. While Josh was playing upstairs I quickly wrote a card for him and put it in an envelope. I ran upstairs and told him that he had mail. He was so excited he couldn't even open the letter. Dad read it to him and it just so happened it was from his preschoool. You should have seen the look of excitement on his face. He even went to sleep with the card.
After the boys went to bed, Jacob later came out of his room and whispered to me that tomorrow he wanted me to help him write a letter back to his teacher. When I asked him what he wanted to say, He said this:

"Hello Teacher,

I’m gonna like my school. I’m gonna like you. I can’t wait to hear what your name is in the mail. I will love you.

From Jacob"

Isn't that just the sweetest?

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