Monday, April 30, 2007

Sweet Dreams Jake

Jacob always has an excuse when it is time to go to bed. He usually says he's thirsty or hungry. He forgot to give one of us a hug and kiss or our personal favorite, he peaks around the corner and says "I need just one more thing." We had put Joshua down for the night and about 20 minutes later told Jacob it was time for bed. He reluctantly started his long lonely walk to bed and said "Joshua went to bed already and if he goes to bed first then he will steal all my dreams and wishes." Now how can you follow that up with "get back in bed"?

Joshua had his two year appointment today. He had one shot, so not too bad. He is in the 50th percentile for his height and weight. He was pretty mad at the nurse after receiving the shot, but was very proud to show daddy his ouchie.

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