Friday, January 4, 2008

Potty Talk

Joshua is in the process of potty training. He has no desire whatsoever! I keep telling him not to let his pull up flags disappear or not to let Elmo on his underwear get wet. When you ask him if he wants them to get wet, He exclaims yeah!
This morning when I finished my shower, the boys ran into my room and were very excited to have found a potty book that I used to read Jacob when he was potty training. Jacob then informed me that "every time Joshua needs to go potty, he needs to bring the book with him." He then said that "sometimes Daddy reads a book while going potty and it works for him, so it might work for Joshua too." I just thought that was Hilarious. My, how observant kids are. Even when you don't think they are watching, they are.

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