Sunday, October 19, 2014

Cedar Hill State Park

Cedar Hill State Park October 17-19

On Friday, we headed just south of Dallas to Cedar Hill State Park.  We setup on campsite 142 and had a partial view of Joe Pool Lake. Our site was secluded with lots of trees all around, unfortunately we could still here a dog barking all night and a kid screaming. We could also hear the traffic from Beltline Rd as well. We were on a large hill above the lake and the boys rode their scooters downhill. Josh was going too fast and "decided to bail." So he skinned up his knees, elbows, and hands. We went on a short hike and played several games of bean bag toss. The weather was awesome all weekend with highs around 75 and lows near 60. On Saturday Jake had a soccer game so we drove back for the game(1hr) then back out to the campsite where we had dinner and too many smores. Molly joined us and lead the way on our hikes. She seems to enjoy camping, or maybe just like it better than staying home alone.

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