Monday, April 27, 2009

The Birthday Boy!!!

Josh made it to 4! He had an awesome birthday weekend. His Hot Wheel party day began at 6:00am saturday morning where he awoke to a room of balloons and quickly let Jacob know that this is his birthday and he could do whatever he wanted. At one point poor Jacob even asked Grandma if he had to be his slave. We celebrated at Chuck E Cheese and Josh had such a blast running from game to game. Jake hung out at the skeet ball the entire time. Grandma and Grandpa Denton made there first camping trip so the boys stayed with them on Saturday night. I think they stayed up until almost 11pm playing Monopoly, Jr! On Sunday, Uncle Timmy and Aunt Andi had a 4 hour layover in Houston coming back from a wedding. We were able to pick them up from the airport and take them to lunch and celebrate Uncle Timmy's birthday which is the 28th. Uncle Timmy and Josh quickly became best friends after Josh received batman wii as a present. It was really great to see Tim and Andi. Josh wore his party hat all weekend and I can't seem to get him to take it off. He even wore it to the Gym this morning.


1 comment:

Grandma Patton said...

Happy Day to the Birthday Boy!
We love you Josh D #1