Tuesday, June 3, 2008

My Little Fish

The boys started swim lessons today. Joshua has the 9:00 slot and Jacob the 9:30. Joshua stole the show, as usual, with his outgoing personality the size of Texas and winning smile. Now if we can only work on his attention span. He spent much of the classs asking the teacher if he could go down the water slide now or he wanted to do what the other class was doing across the pool (which was totally out of his league). Whenever the teacher would ask who wants to go first Josh would excitedly exclaim "me first" and raise his hand before she could even finish her sentence. His swim teacher calls him "her brave little one."

Jacob did really good too. This was his first time for swim lessons, we just never got around to it last year. He was very excited also and always volunteered to go first. He is usually so shy so it was very comforting to see him speak up and be excited. At one point he even yelled across the pool "Hey mom, look at me I can hop on one foot in the pool! Is that great?" Now that is impressive stuff. He is very talented. :)

Meanwhile, mom stood by the edge of the pool and baked. Why didn't anyone tell me that swim lessons are fun for the kids but brutal for the parents? It was really hard to stand by the pool and watch all the kids spashing around in the pool staying cool while all the parents baked and sweat in the hot Houston sun with no shade in sight! What a beat down, but I am glad they are having fun. Oh, the day in the life of a mom.

I don't think that either one will be swimming across the pool anytime soon, but it was definitely a succesful first day.

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