Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Sam Houston

This statue is in the parking lot of a steakhouse that is next door to where I currently stay in Houston. A little background history; Sam Houston was an incredible figure in the history of Texas. He was President of the Republic of Texas(two separate times), Senator of the state of Texas, and also the Governor of the state. He is also the only person to ever be Governor of two different states (Texas & Tennessee). This statue is a smaller replica of the largest statue(67 ft.) of any American figure and is located in Huntsville, TX, where Houston retired and eventually died in 1863.


Chris said...

Didn't even notice this statue when we were down there Tuesday.
I guess I was too busy looking at the security guard. Is the steakhouse named Houston's?

Mike said...

It is actually called Steamboat Steakhouse and is named after Sam Houston's last house in Huntsville, "Steamboat House".